4D Analytics

Phrase Administration

Last updated: July 10, 2020

This section allows you to translate phrases within the system into multiple languages.

The system is able to change the display text according to which language the user has configured in their "User Administration" / "My Configuration Page".

The phrase lists contains the Code for the phrase, the default English translation, and the selected language. It also allows you to search through the 3 columns to find a phrase quickly.

The table can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.

Modifying a Phrase

Firstly, select the language you wish to translate to using the drop down menu at the top of the screen.

Select a radio button to display all of the available phrases or those phrases that are currently not translated.

To search for a specific phrase or piece of text, enter the phrase (or part phrase) in either of the 3 search fields (Code, English or Phrase) and press the 'Return' key.

Once the correct phrase is found, edit the phrase by double clicking in the cell and press the ‘Return’ key when finished to save the phrase.

Press the "Save" button when finished.

Note: "Code" and "English" phrases cannot be modified. To modify the English language, you must select the "Language" UK-English and modify entries in its "Translation" column.